Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Bible Journal Like a Pro

Yep, I'm still playing with videos.  This time I actually have a project to share!  Sunday I was doing some journalling in my Bible, and I thought, "Hey, my blog readers might like to know how I did that!"  So here it is:

I think for my next video, I might demonstrate the techniques I was talking about.  I'm just having too much fun!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Goodies in the Mail!

Okay, I'm having too much fun making videos!  I had to do another one!  While I was away at Scrapbook Expo, I got some goodies in the mail.  Here is the Illustrated Faith "A Heart that Receives" devotional kit I ordered last week.  I can't wait to play with it!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Fun Finds at Scrapbook Expo

Hi there!  I know it's been a while since I posted, but I just got back from Scrapbook Expo and I couldn't wait to share some of the fun stuff I found there!  So rather than spend a lot of time taking pictures and typing up paragraphs of descriptions, I thought I'd make a quick video!

Please bear with me.  This is the first video blog I've ever done, and it has a few issues! But if you don't mind my hemming and hawing, or the camera falling over, then please enjoy!